As temperatures drop, it’s time to start gearing up for winter.
Winter brings lots of beauty and fun with it. The first beautiful snowfall of the year. Icicles hanging from trees. Ice skating. Movie nights by the fireplace with hot chocolate.
But winter also carries some hardships. (sigh)
In this blog post we’re going to walk you through three crucial steps to be well-prepared to take on the snow, one snowflake at a time:
1. Get Your Car Ready!

The worst time to have a car issue is when the weather is cold and clammy!
There are a few things you can do to make sure you are prepared for any problem, big or small..
We recommend asking a mechanic to do a standard vehicle check-up before the cold weather hits. Mechanics can help keep your car in tip-top shape so you can be confident that you’ll get through the winter without any major technical problems or hiccups.
A few other things you can do for your car: Purchase or create an emergency kit for worst-case scenarios, subscribe to a AAA program for priority roadside assistance, re-locate your jumper cables, check your tire treads, or replace the battery (which is best practice about every 5 years).
2. Grab the Bare Necessities (or remember where you last put them)

There are lots of things you could buy for that future snow day, but we want to keep it simple.
When the first hard snow hits, you’ll need tools to help clear the snow around your hours. Trips to the grocery store might be more difficult after snow, so we recommend having some non-perishable food items around the house too.
Some of the tools we recommend include a shovel, an ice chopper, and a windshield brush or scraper. Non-perishable food items such as beans, peanut butter, and canned soup are perfect to have in stock just-in-case. Frozen foods are also good to have on hand.
It would make sense to check your garage or spare closet for these winter supplies before it’s too late, and it might be time for a grocery run.
You’re better prepared than caught in a pickle!
3. Prep Your Abode 🏠

It’s cold outside. Your window won’t shut all the way, and you feel a draft coming through. Now it’s cold inside, too!
Check all of your windows to make sure they seal tightly. If they don’t, it might be a good time to call your property manager or look into ways to create a seal.
We all know the dreaded feeling when we discover our pipes have frozen. Here are some ways to best prepare your pipes for the incoming temperature changes.
On the lighter side of things, you can also start trimming your perennials and making sure all of your plants are adapting to the change in sunlight and temperature.
If you’ve done all of this, you did it - you’ve prepared for winter!
Reward yourself: it’s time to get the blankets and hot chocolate out ❤️